
Standout Skirted Shirt 1M1P #3 {Grainline Archer}

Pattern:  Grainline Archer
Version:  B
Sizing:  10 to 14
Fabric:  lawn so they say
Notions:  9 snaps
Instructions:  very needed and detailed
Modification:  reduced length of sleeve; French seams
Recommend:  yes

Here is a charmer, and I am not only talking about the finished product, but the pattern.  I adore the gathered rear skirt on Version B.  It marries well with the pleated cuff sleeves.  It is also really fun, and young, and fresh.

I am going to tell you a secret that I hope even though you know about it, that you will not be able to tell I made.  I stitched the sleeves on backwards.  So instead of the cuff opening being on the inside of the arm, it faces outward.  I have always had an issue with placing any sleeve and the transparency of this fabric only aided in my confusion.  When I discovered my mistake, I instantly wanted to rip the French seams out and place them correctly.  BUT, the fabric snags so easily that the removal of stitches scares and tears the fabric.  Removing the seams would have destroyed the shirt altogether.  The sleeves stayed as is. 

The fabric was advertised as being a lawn.  I have not memorized the dictionary of fabrics, but I hardly believe this is a lawn and would venture to say that it more of a fine-gauged gauze, if that exists.  The  fabric is not easy to sew especially with such detailed stitching.  You can see by the mess of a collar band the struggle. 

The loose weave caused me to shy away from the traditional button, mainly because of the buttonholes. Buttonholes bring all my insecurities to light. Put the doubt with the true fact that the fabric is not the best choice for this design, and I opted out of making bound holes. Instead, I found snaps a better option. 

One Month, One Pattern 2015 Inauguration 1M1P #1
Bland Beige Experiment 1M1P #2 {Grainline Archer}

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